Dear Kate,

It is that time of year when we think of what has happened this past year and begin to plan for the new year around the corner.

A colleague sent me this utube video (3 minutes long) and I felt compelled to share it with you...

May your holidays be filled with love and light,


I hope you will take the 3 minutes for this uplifting reminder about living life to the fullest, focus, passion and joy...Here is the link: go for it!

View online:

 If this touches a spark in you and you want to learn more see the bottom of this email for more info on how to get connected...


Want to learn more about how coaching can fuel your passion and focus and jumpstart your year?

Through a group coaching model we have created affordable coaching for all...You can coach with me for as little as $39 per month...please visit: and click on: Compass Network or go direct:

OR:  Part time 1-1 coaching starts at $250 per month.

Feel free to contact me and chat: or call me at 540-314-8005